Generally as one of the most preyed upon units in the electric industry, the domestic or neighborhood transformer serves a crucial role in ensuring that we get a constant flow of electricity.In the electric industry it is commonly referred to as a Step-down transformer since it does exactly that at all times besides protecting consumers.
The main purpose of these electrical machines is to provide a step-down mechanism for the incoming voltage from the primary substation, located away from consumers.
It should be noted that it steps down voltage and steps up current to feed the consumer directly.It is the last in the line of machines that modify the voltage or current before going to small consumers.
In countries that use the BS 240/415V Standard, their transfomers usually receive and incoming supply of 11kV from the overhead feeders.It is then from this 11kV is is able to step it down to 240/415V 3phase voltage.
One major drawback of these machines is the heat energy generated therefore it does not operate at full efficiency.
It is also prone to vandalism, because it houses a rather rare expensive oil that is used as a cooling mechanism. One good as advantage of this machine however is that it does not require regular maintenance and can withstand the weather elements as long as the mounting is mechanically sound.